For fair enough I took some pictures of our
another dog 豆豆(dou dou). My brother feed him milk when she was several weeks old. He saw dou dou was abandon on the street. You may not believed that the homeless dog is omnipresent in Taiwan. Especially the dog with the white feet like dou dou. It's a serious problem of society. My brother took her home he rented in Taichung one night she was barking loudly for awaking my brother cos the rain had been all over the floor of his room.
Now she lives with us.She is a mix dog.Look her tongue , there are some spots on her tongue and they are marks of Taiwan protozoan. They also mean she is a smart dog. As for her appearance and the sound of barking just like the wolf dog. WUUUUUuuu ---- she makes this sound before she barks! A funny dog, too.
1 則留言:
The second picture is so sweet. he looks at you wit0 hsuch love and trust.