2007年9月15日 星期六

Is it too fast?

鎮南宮 (左left) 福德正神(右right)
I went to the 東港 ( a fishing port ) instead of National Park. I admit that I went home too late at the day before my birthday. I didn't have enough sleeping to drive so far. Mon and me went into the temple (鎮南宮) and found the golden color all over the celling, wall, pillars. I don't believe any particular gods but I respect them. My mon called me to the other side when I had murmured to the 福德正神 for getting fortune.

me: What's happening?
mon: This is 註生娘娘(for having a baby). You should worship the 註生娘娘, too.
Me: Come on! I am a single. Is it too fast?
