2007年3月31日 星期六

Stop eating beef

Do'nt eat beef or can't eat beef is quite often at my age.At the earlier time the cow must work hardly for helping the farmer in the field.Some business man think the cow is holy to their ancestors.Some people do'nt eat beef because the futureteller told them according the year ,the date, the time of their birth.I haven't eatten beef for three years.It's ok for me.I mean I still have many choices to take.Be a human being we are lucky to have the right to eat what we want or like.

2007年3月28日 星期三


I like baking.Actually I like to cook exotic food.I like watch TV programs about food.I could make some exotic food now.Everytime I treat my friends what I cook.They are happy and enjoy.They always said that you can run a restaurant.At that time my older sister will tell me that don't think it too much and serious.Cooking for friends is different from cooking for customers. It's about money??? You pay money for something then you are the boss and having the right to criticize somebody.That's prejudice!! You could give some advices or just never go to that place if you are not really satisfied with it.
Next time I will take some photes . You can tell me whether I can run a restaurant or not.

2007年3月26日 星期一


There are two dogs in my family. One is 小黑 (black) and another is 豆豆 .Mother of black is a deaf .She and 豆豆 were abandoned.豆豆 is black with yellow spots hair.Unfortunately she has four white paws.She was abandoned in Taishoung.Why ????The white paws will cause the bad things !!!????That's a superstition. You let slip a dog leave her mother and you do'nt take care of her,too.This will cause unluck to you.Do'nt blamed on a dog.It's not her fault.

2007年3月23日 星期五


今年一月投保 填了一大堆資料 才 知道有一大堆疾病名稱是這輩子從來沒聽過的(貓哭症候群,貓眼症候群)啥!!!!什麼東東 這兩個不一樣 (先天性無肛症.........)以後再也不要賭氣說別人生孩子沒屁眼 有些病可能是遺傳的 看完資料的當下 真是有感而發 感謝我的爸媽 讓我們兄弟姊妹有個健康的基因 至少目前為止我仍健康 當然也感謝老天爺 健康帶來的幸福 是無法替換的
祝大家都健康 誠心誠意

2007年3月21日 星期三


People say the older you are the more difficult you make friends. It's trueth.Maybe I am critical and greedy. You think you are humble to friends.But they always think you should be.What's friends for? Do I still believed it?

2007年3月20日 星期二


Ha! Today is a warm day. Talking about the weather will never be wrong beginning of this article.When you getting old you seems have a lot of things to do.You think it everyday.Then still haven't done it before you got sleep.Oh!!I need the power and engery. Of course making money will be the top thing I must to do.