2007年12月31日 星期一

2008 part2

They are also my dad's companions for his retired life. Of course, including my mom.
May dad and mom will be still healthy and happy in 2008.

2007年12月30日 星期日


May you will be happy and everything will keep going well and smoothly in 2008.
What do you want to say to your friends?
The penguin will help you.

2007年12月26日 星期三


My dad and me went to a exibition of plants. As if a tree reaching the sky has been squeezed before our eyes. It seems to go through all the vicissitudes of life. Its bark likes dad's skin. I mean the wisdom of life on dad's face. Don't make a misunderstanding of me! You are still very handsome.

2007年12月25日 星期二


We knew a guide who is living in my town. We knew he is going to Italy for ten days. I asked him for a help buying these for me. They are not all for me. But I still so happy. I took a photo first.

2007年12月16日 星期日

trust me

My friend, Anna, was warned by her doctor couldn't drink any stimulus drink. So we went to the coffee shop that day she only drank water. Poor Anna! I took a photo for her although it's not clear. Anyway her face is not so prettier than her shank. Haaaaaaaaa!

A woman with a slender shank

2007年10月10日 星期三


This cat has missed for one week. She had been a mother of four kitties until two days ago. I mean one of her kids has missed, too. Where are you, 黑鼻(hei bi)(black nose)?? 黑鼻 is a homeless cat. I have fed her from her grandmother till now. Living outside is dangerous but she still take care of herself well. Maybe there is the final outcome is a bad news just like her mother. Mentioning her mother, it's really a sad story. She was snapped to death by the homeless dogs. According to the neighbor's description she made a long and sharp sound before she died. I guess she probably warmed her kids it's dangerous now.I don't blamed to these dogs. They are innocent. It's all the irresponsible owner's fault. They abandoned these dogs first. Anyway my sister and me had buried her in a factory of disuse and found 黑鼻 and her brothers and sisters under a slab of plastic. Now you grow up. I know you are a brave cat especially you will raise you front foot to defend when you meet a dog face to face. I hope it's not the reason to let yourself into the crisis of life. You are also a neat and tidy cat. Look at your white hair. Who will say you are a homeless cat! We miss you.

2007年10月1日 星期一

birthday part2

My friend Julie insistently invited me to go out for a birthday dinner with her. She constantly emphasize my age which is a big event for a woman. We need to celebrate the age, she said. Ha?? Is this a reason??? Anyway thanks for your treatment.
I like to take the photos of food. These are the first and the last dishes of my birthday's meal. The second and the third ....photos of food i didn't shoot because i was hungry and I didn't want to interrupt the joyous moment. We really have a good and happy hour. Thanks again.

2007年9月22日 星期六

woman in 40

這是美國CBS 60 Minutes (六十分鐘 )主持人Andy Rooney對40歲以上的女人的看法:
As I grow in age, I value women over 40 most of all.> 隨著年齡增長, 我越來越珍惜40歲以上的女人>
Here are just a few reasons why:> 為什麼呢?>
A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night and ask,> 40歲以上的女人不會在半夜把你吵醒, 然後問你:>
"What are you thinking?"> 你在想什麼?>
She doesn't care what you think.> 她才不在乎你在想什麼。>
If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game,> 40歲以上的女人如果不想看球賽>
she doesn't sit around whining about it.> 她不會坐在你旁邊抱怨東抱怨西>
She does something she wants to do, and it's usually more interesting.> 她會去做她想做的、更有趣的事情>
Women over 40 are dignified.> 40歲以上的女人穩重自持>
They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera> 不會在歌劇院或高級餐廳裡>or in the middle of an expensive restaurant.> 跟你大呼小叫>
Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you> 當然,如果你罪有應得,她們也可能神不知鬼不覺地>
if they think they can get away with it.> 一槍把你給斃了。>
Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved.> 熟女不吝於讚美 (不管是不是實至名歸)>
They know what it's like to be unappreciated.> 因為她們親身體驗過被忽略的滋味>
Women get psychic as they age.> 女人越老越通靈>
You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 40.> 你永遠不需要向40歲以上的女人懺悔>Once you get past a wrinkle or two,> 只要能夠對皺紋視而不見>
a woman over 40 is far sexier than her younger counterpart.> 40歲以上的女人遠比年輕美眉性感>
Older women are forthright and honest.> 熟女直接又誠實>
They'll tell you right off if you are a jerk if you are acting like one.> 如果你是蠢蛋 她們會馬上叫你滾蛋>
You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her.> 你完全不需要傷腦筋揣摩她的心意>Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons.> 40歲以上的女人有很多優點>Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal.> 40歲以上的男人呢?>
For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40,> 相對於每一個性感、迷人的40歲以上的女人>
there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants> 就有一個禿頭凸肚的熟男>
making a fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress.> 厚臉皮地跟小他20歲的美眉調情>Ladies, I apologize.> 女士們,請容許我在這兒>For all those men who say,> 幫妳們說句公道話:>
"Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?",> 那些說只想喝免費的牛奶而不願買頭母牛回家的男人>
here's an update for you.> 實在是太搞不清楚狀況了>
Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage.> 今天有80%的女人寧願不結婚>Why?> 為什麼呢?>
Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig> 因為她們終於發現不需要為了一根香腸>
just to get a little sausage!> 買回整隻豬!
This year I am a woman in 40. Actually I should say something but I am speechless after I read this mail which a friend had sent me again. I nodded, nodded my agreement.
What should I say? It's so obviously.

2007年9月15日 星期六

Is it too fast?

鎮南宮 (左left) 福德正神(右right)
I went to the 東港 ( a fishing port ) instead of National Park. I admit that I went home too late at the day before my birthday. I didn't have enough sleeping to drive so far. Mon and me went into the temple (鎮南宮) and found the golden color all over the celling, wall, pillars. I don't believe any particular gods but I respect them. My mon called me to the other side when I had murmured to the 福德正神 for getting fortune.

me: What's happening?
mon: This is 註生娘娘(for having a baby). You should worship the 註生娘娘, too.
Me: Come on! I am a single. Is it too fast?

2007年9月12日 星期三


Finally the ghost month is over. We can stay out at night longer. Tomorrow is my birthday. My dad, mom and me plan to go to the National Park--(墾丁) Ken ding Park. I should stay with my parents instead of going out with friends in the day of my birthday. The thought is more obvious than before when I am getting old. Maybe you guys will think that I made you sick. I grow up in a conservative family it is not easy to say love or thanks these words each other. So I should do more to retrieve my less talk. Now the only I should say to myself is ----- Happy birthday.

2007年9月8日 星期六


今天下午 帶著蛋糕去安養之家 探望一位長者 他是我們家的大恩人 父親常說 這位長者 對家裡的恩德之大 是有他的照顧 才有這個家 他除了是一位德高望重的長者 也是一位熱心助人的人 我在拍這張照片時 伯伯雖然沒戴假牙 仍然要保持微笑 連站在一旁的護士都說伯伯好可愛

父親當年來台灣 舉目無親 從軍中汽車大隊退伍下來 只會開車 從大卡車 大貨車到野狼125 都難不倒他 理所當然 他決定開計程車養家 但他的台語不通 生性內向 不主動跟人交談的個性 沒有生意上門 又讓他決定放棄開計程車 好在這時 這位恩人 答應幫忙父親 給父親一個工作 再加上開店做小生意的母親賺一點生活費添補家用 日子也就平安度過來了 雖然他年歲已高 有時仍記得父親的名子 真是讓人覺得受寵 在此祝您身體健康 日子平安愉快

2007年8月31日 星期五


那天站在老爹旁邊 跟正在做事的母親聊天 老爹伸出他的手到我的頭旁邊 指著我說: 她現再越來越高了 長的快跟我一樣高了
我實在不願在大眾面前說出這句話___青春期過後 小妹我就只有往橫的發展了 長高沒有 長胖倒是沒停過
在父母眼裡 不管我們年紀有多大 始終像是孩子 卻忘了自己已經老了 骨骼退化 縮水了 別看這83歲的老爹 年輕時有 <<<<樓咖 (長腳)>>>>>的封號呢 !!!!

2007年8月29日 星期三


蘋婆樹 在我家已經超過30年 應該說他先來 我後到 當時老爸想要砍掉這棵樹 我堅持要留下它 在台灣 它並不普遍 但他卻相當特別 總是引起親朋好友詢問 三 四 十年的老樹 越長越高 鋒頭太健 引來一些陌生怪人詢問 貪小便宜 要我們摘給他一些 甚至自己挑選起來了 一付在自家院子的樣子 左暗示 右暗示 就是不走 看了就煩 這年頭 似乎又得罪不起 '怪

咖' 怕他-----想不開 又來找麻煩 畢竟樹大招風 !
或許各位沒吃過蘋婆 它的黑色硬皮要
先剝掉 露出黃色的皮 像是橢圓形狀
的蛋黃 煮湯 紅燒皆可 入口後散發一種特殊風味
還有一種懶人作法 就是 整顆放入
烤箱 烤至裂開即可

2007年8月22日 星期三

香村 Xiang Cun

My older sister had pruned the tree of 香村(Xiang Cun) before the Typhoon Sepat moved toward Taiwan. It has a good curative effect to Chinese medicine. In Taiwan the strict vegetarian use it in food instead of the shallot. They only eat the shoots and the leaves of light in color. The rest can be boiled with water, according to the Chinese herb medicine, it can bring high blood pressure down.
My younger sister chops up the Xiang Cun and takes it to saute with sunflower seed oil. Bottling it when the Xiang Cun has cooled down. Adding one tbsp of Xiang Cun while we make the rice fried eggs or tossing the soybean curd with it.

2007年8月17日 星期五

Typhoon Sepat

The strongest Typhoon Sepat of year is moving toward Taiwan. It continues increasing in intensity. To make sure everything has settled and tied up well. To wait and see!!!!!!

2007年8月15日 星期三

zha jiang noodle---the simple one

Don't be afraid of the dark one. It's a delicious traditional Chinese dish. Pork, fresh green beans and the dried soybean curd stir-fried then stewed with the fried bean sauce and water together until the sauce was thicker. But at that Typhoon day we didn't have the green beans so forgot it. Combined the the sauce and the noddle Sprinkling the shallot will be done.

2007年8月13日 星期一


Nooooo more rainy days!!!! There are two typhoons has gone and brought a lot of rain in Taiwan. Too much rain submerged the roads and farmland.Raining all day long made me upset. Today is the first of lunar calendar July. 鬼門關 gui men guan ( the gate of hell) has opened at 0:00 a.m. and will last one month. There are many taboo behaviors we should avoid to do as far as possible. DO NOT HANG AROUND AT NIGHT. AVOIDING TO GO TO THE BEACH FOR SWIMMING etc.Of course it's not a proper month for traveling, wedding........Or it's not a proper month for everything.
Be good during this month.

2007年8月9日 星期四

豆豆(dou dou)

豆豆(dou dou)
For fair enough I took some pictures of our
another dog 豆豆(dou dou). My brother feed him milk when she was several weeks old. He saw dou dou was abandon on the street. You may not believed that the homeless dog is omnipresent in Taiwan. Especially the dog with the white feet like dou dou. It's a serious problem of society. My brother took her home he rented in Taichung one night she was barking loudly for awaking my brother cos the rain had been all over the floor of his room.
Now she lives with us.She is a mix dog.Look her tongue , there are some spots on her tongue and they are marks of Taiwan protozoan. They also mean she is a smart dog. As for her appearance and the sound of barking just like the wolf dog. WUUUUUuuu ---- she makes this sound before she barks! A funny dog, too.

2007年8月7日 星期二


曇花一現(A flash in the pan.) A famous phrase in Chinese.
This year I caught the moment of the night-blooming Cereus.
This morning dad told us the Cereus will bloom at tonight.I told him it's too late.You must wait the next time.
Poor dad ! Watering these plants and take care the yard every other day! He missed the moment.

2007年8月6日 星期一

It deserves to be shot

My family loves the food of making from the wheat. My uncle Zhao had said that we love the food of noodle and they are our life. But we will throw away our life when we see the dumplings. Have you seen how much we love the dumplings?!!
!!! Sometimes we will make fifty or one hundred dumplings and put them in the ice box.Just boiling the hot water and put them in directly when we are hungry.Adding the cold water of one bowl while the water is boiling again. Making this movement three times then we will get the hot and tasty dumplings.

2007年8月4日 星期六

小黑 xiao hei

my family member, my younger sister

小黑(xiao Hei)

I know I broke my rule which I don't take any picture of my dogs.She is getting old. She just got much better from a horrible disease.She almost can't walk only can stand a while for peepee then she may walk four or five steps.Even this situation she is still quiet and tender.We love her so much.She can pass well her rest life in my family.

Look at the black hair of her body !She eats healthy food everyday.Can you believe this she is almost fourteen years old and this photo is her first photo in her life.

2007年8月3日 星期五



My friend,Julie,her birthday was on the first of August.

I made the Paella De Pescado(西班牙海鮮飯) and bought a roast Beijing duck to her home for celebrating her birthday with her son and her lovely daughter.

2007年7月8日 星期日

It's not my mom's birthday

It was a shock! I still have a unreal feeling about it. My mother's birthday is on the first of July.But she was not born on that day.

She lived a fishing port of the countryside when she was a child. I don't know what happened when they moved in the downtown.Maybe grandfather didn't care about the problem.For him it's enough for the children could grow up safely at that poor age. Her young brother and her sisters were all registered on the same day, the first of July,which became their birthdays. Mon hadn't known it till her older sister told her on the phone several years ago.

mom: Today is my birthday!

aunt:It's not a surprise. We all have the same date of birthday on the certification book.

mom: haaaa???

After many years we know the reason why the first of July is her birthday.According to our law your birthday will be this day if you don't know the date of your were born.Anyway she was happy this year she went to the karaoke with her friends on the day time and had a roast Beijing duck with us for the dinner.

2007年6月29日 星期五

flapping the wings

I found there is a phenomenon in Taiwan.It seemed an only choice most of people raised the dog in their family in the earlier times.Even now i took my dog to the vet. Most of patients are the "dogs".Maybe the cat is more healthy than the dog.My dad have raised several birds when he was retired.It's so queer the older men like to raised the birds for cultivating their minds.Birds should fly in the sky instead of locking in the birdcage.I can't change his mind and thoughts just looks like he can't understand the reason we do love our dogs so much.Anyway the birds have always got the good attention. He like to watch the birds flapping their wings for taking the bath or singing under the trees.Once he was still anxious about his birds even he was uncomfortable and went to emergency room.

dad: Don't forget to feed the birds!!

nurse:Sir, you should take care of yourself more. Forgetting your pets----birds, today!!

2007年6月28日 星期四

dian deng pao

I like learning English from the alien teacher. Not only is the difference of the language but also the culture of the language etc. If my English tutor is interesting in the Mandarin i also will tell him how to pronounce.There is so much fun of learning a language.I still remembered once we were talking about the word of date.

me: How do you say the attendant person when you are dating with your girlfriend?

Andy: The fifth wheel . You knew that the unnecessary wheel! How do you say in Chinese?

me: a light bulb.(dian deng pao)


me:You absolutely need the dark when you are dating, right?

2007年6月27日 星期三


從小住的眷村 終於快要搬遷了 到時變成高樓大廈林立的地方 一定會認不出來它之前的樣子 想到這兒 還真捨不得呢
有人原本在外面有房子可住 所以選擇拿補助款走人 因此第一階段已經有幾家在清理房子 丟出 一大堆破舊東西 有時看到一些路邊垃圾 還真讓人啼笑皆非
沿著公園旁小徑回家 不知什麼時候會變不可能???只要未來要遷入的軍眷國宅開始要動工興建 我想不出三年
我就得要把每天晚上我和我的犬妹在院子看"星星" "月亮""黑色天空"跟鄰居撿來的
木頭長板椅凳 -------丟出去了

現在我看到路邊家俱垃圾 想到 它也曾經陪著某個老兵及子女看過多少月圓 月缺!!!

2007年6月22日 星期五

little monster

I really dislike the summer time.But I found a benefit of summer.It's more comfortable for having the problems of heart diseases .I don't understand it's right for everyone at least for my dad is.We often go to the emergency room at midnight in the winter about three years ago.That was a nervous and horrible time.Then the doctor set a pacemaker in his subcutaneous tissue to regulate his heartbeat.Now he is much better in the winter.

But there is another trouble i must complain. In the summer there are many insect pests which i dislike a lot.Taiwan is an island of the subtropical climate. There are many kinds of terrible insect pests haunt before or after the monsoon rain. I dread to see the cockroaches especially the flying ones.They said someone who is afraid of you in your present , he must hate you behind your back.So be honest i hate the dirty little monster.On the other hand i must respect these enemies.After all i seem to have read some reports said they was found from the Jurassic period.True or fault ???

2007年6月13日 星期三

cool girl

Have you met a person whose birthday is the same day with you? Did you feel excited or nothing special?

I had a little embarrassed experience many years ago. I met a girl who was sitting by me in the baking class.She put the list which had her base information on the up corner. She didn't care anybody will see the list.Then I saw her birthday is the same day with me. I really excited about this.Actually I don't like to talk to strangers even they talk to me first. I don't have zeal for the stranger.However I tried to express that i am so happy to met a person we have the same birthday.

The girl was so cool. She only had a superficial smile and a little nod.Giving me a look of "so what".
I was hurt and embarrassed.

The other day my friend laugh at me after i talked to her.
She said : The girl just looks like you.Now you know your natural character!!!!

Recently there are two bad news.One is a man murdered his friend who had the same birthday with him because of the money. Another is a popular singer without driving licence hit a nurse who had the same birthday with her because of the drunk-driving.
Two people who have the same birthday meet at somewhere by the lot , fate or a special reason??!! Comparing with these news my experience is not a big deal but i still feel embarrassed now.

2007年6月8日 星期五

my friends

I don't have many friends.Some of them are wise , humorous and successful in many ways and are older than me. Ooh! It's important to emphasize that they have fast reaction capacity and eloquence.Last year my friend Julie treated us to go out for a dinner.We celebrated her son Si Xian to be a high school student but Anna insisted to pay the bill.

Julie:Will these kids drive us to go to the restaurant for a luxurious super when we are old?

Anna(with a serious attitude):Si Xian, you only treat me a bowl of rice porridge when aunt will be old in the future.

At that moment I was deeply touched by this dialogue.

We always say that parents will do anything for their kids without asking the rewards.I know Anna isn't Si Xian's mother but we love the boy and hope he will be better.Julie often consult Anna about how to educate the children.She always learn how to be a good mother.

After five seconds Anna:The flavor of A-B-A-L-O-N-E. I couldn't bear to have a laugh after she spoke slowly the two words .

That's my friend Anna and please forget that impressive moment previously.

2007年6月6日 星期三


你一定聽說過這一句順口溜 不管天上飛的 地上爬的 沒有什麼東西是廣東人不敢吃的 但還有一句 關於我老爹家鄉的 你可能沒聽過 在說之前 先講一段我們姐妹們與老爹的對話

女兒們: 爸 你剛剛在修東西 坐下吃飯前 有沒有先洗手?

老爹(抿一抿他的招牌厚唇 露出前排小暴牙得意的微笑)說 :有有..... 摸了屁股 嗦了指頭 乾淨的很

女兒們:對看一眼 嘴巴微動 想說 xxxxx 不敢 想.......... 沒做

老爹(飯照吃 吃的更愉快 )


2007年5月30日 星期三

dad's dream part2

Two weeks ago my dad called his nephews for his dream.The house his old mother( he always called her mother like this) lived was broken.There were many chinks in the wall and the water dripped down from a leak in the roof.According to our social conventions the house for the dead person means the grave. My cousin said they just had gone to the graveyard to commemorated their grandma last month.The grave was fine, he said.But my dad insisted that they should go there again.
In China and here the Fifth of April(qing ming festival) we go to the graveyard of our dead relatives or closed friends with food; flowers ;paper money(paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead) and a sickle for removing weeds.
A few days later they said when they had got there first they met a old woman and had a chat.
Why are you here at this time? The woman said.
My cousins told her the reason and bla bla.....
While they had seen the grave they really had a shock.
Somebody was growing the vegetables around the grave.They told to dad on the phone.
What? ! Growing the vegetables around the grave ! How dare the somebody is!!!
Somebody?? We doubt that woman did it.Didn't she see the gravestone?
She digged many ditches and watered the vegetables.No wounder these strange things was happened.
But i am curious that there is a great hand behind back controlling this although grandma didn't recognized dad.Perhaps grandma trusted dad and knew dad will solve the problem well.

Well well well! I know it's a dream and don't be so serious.

2007年5月17日 星期四

dad's dream

As my friends knew that my dad was from Mainland China when he was out of his teens.At that age everyone who was from China had their own stories.My dad is not an exception.

At the beginning the government only permitted they could mail letters to their family of China.The address of the first letter was wrong.Unfortunately my grandmother had passed away before the second letter was arrived.She had not known any message of her son no matter live or dead.According to the dad's older brother said my grandma often whispered my dad's name before died on her bed at her ninety-five.

A week ago dad told us he had dreamed of his mother.In the dream he leaned against the wall. There was a sound behind him and he knew it's her mother's voice who was talking to someone about her house was needed to repaired.He turned around to see her mother.At this time he is pouting with a disappointed look and saying his mother had not recognized him at all.
Maybe you took a mistake she was not your mother.You haven't seen her for more forty years.I tried to comfort him.
It's the young look of her mother in the dream, he said.It's the only one image of his mother he has.
OMG! No wounder his mother could not recognized him. He is eighty-two years old now. He wasn't the young man his mother remembered.
They couldn't meet each other even in the dream.
How come?

2007年5月13日 星期日


最近眷村大家見面的招呼語 不是吃飽沒 而是打聽你門家是拿補助款還是拿房子 而外來的人 則是會問妳們什麼時候搬 搬到那兒 或是前面的眷村搬離 外面建商進來新蓋的上千萬大房子 有沒有訂一間 順便探探虛實 八卦 廣播 是眷村特色之一 也是我最不習慣地方 從小 就經常聽說 眷村會搬離 拆遷 改建 有些人家想整修房子 也不敢動工 一直到現在 終於塵埃落定 不過 前面巷頭有一戶人家 豪氣干雲 可真讓我佩服 兩年前 她們家大興土木蓋了一間在鄰里間算是別墅級的房子要讓他父親住的舒適 左右鄰居和里長都勸她別蓋了 你想知道這位小姐怎麼回答嗎 ? 她說 就算
軍方下令 明天要拆
正是所謂 話不再多 有力道才夠狠

2007年4月25日 星期三

bad morning

Today is........ Should i say it was a bad morning?This early morning there is a house in my village was on fire.Nobody was hurt.The fire alarm is so loud and closed in the silence night.It made us uncomfortable.I felt sorry it was happen on the neighborhood of my home. Then
I turned on the notebook, read the blog of GinaRobbo, knew her lovely dog Penny had been put to sleep 'cause of bone cancer.I was sorry to hear this . It remind of the pain losing our pets.
I should not get up early!

2007年4月20日 星期五

life plan

Dear all, pls open your heart and read through this article; then, think.... what is your life now... what is your life plan... Enjoying ourselves while living is my life plan, how about yours? Josie
My friend mailed a article to me and attached these words.Although we work everyday for money,we still believed something in our mind is more important than money.Most of people are not happy in my country in a questionnaire.So .... Jossie
Could we say living and health and happiness are our life plans?Are we greedy?
By the way congratulation for you moved in a b.b. house.(big and beautiful)
Wa!!!!!!!! I should say living and health and happiness in a b.b. house are my life plans.

2007年4月14日 星期六


老爸那天下午 講了一個他拾柒捌歲的事 我們從沒聽過 卻讓我們姊妹們印像深刻
一日的午後他閒來無事 悶的慌 去逛市集 看到賣襪子的攤販 停下腳步 摸摸襪子 說沒錢 就準備離去 老闆卻在後面悻悻的說 嘿 二爺 有錢吧! 這時 年輕氣盛的老爸聽到 回過頭說 你說什麼 ?二爺就是有錢 話一說完 馬上開打 最後兩人都進了警察局
老爸邊說邊比手畫腳 口沫橫飛 實在精采
於是呼 我的問題來了 老闆怎麼知道 你排行老二 叫你二爺
他說 那時尊稱別人 都叫二爺 噢 我了 就像現在 我們偶兒會尊稱別人 董ㄟ
年少的老爸 也會找碴 像個老痞子 現在的老爸 老好先生 像個小孩子
江湖跑老 膽子跑小

2007年4月8日 星期日

Murphy's Law

I was reading GinaRobbo: Why oh Why? It's remind me to read the Murphy's Law again. There are two reasons I like this Law.
1. Maybe it sounds silly I only like the pronounce of this word and the Chinese words of Murphy.
2. It seems solves many prombles about life.You can used the Murphy's Law to take yourself easier.Unlucky moments and unsolved prombles are not only in your life but also in everyone's life.
So I have the same question with GinaRobbo.Why haven't I won the lottery yet?
And my mother's questions is when my daughter can meet her Mrs Right?As we know here's coming a bus will never be the bus we wait for.

2007年4月2日 星期一

poor girl,not poor English

My sister's friend told us the girl she hired was abused by the foreigner customer in her store.Just the reason she only asked his girlfriend what they want to order instead of asking of him.Maybe she is shy or maybe her poor English.I couldn't understand why he is so rude to the girl he even didn't know her.And did he know where he is?
Many years ago I knew two nice foreigners at my workplace. They only can stayed one night in Taiwan.I invited them to have a nice dinner and a sightseeing of my city. After that we lost connection.I definitely know they have a good impression of my country and people.
Did that foreigner realize what his behavior represent?

2007年3月31日 星期六

Stop eating beef

Do'nt eat beef or can't eat beef is quite often at my age.At the earlier time the cow must work hardly for helping the farmer in the field.Some business man think the cow is holy to their ancestors.Some people do'nt eat beef because the futureteller told them according the year ,the date, the time of their birth.I haven't eatten beef for three years.It's ok for me.I mean I still have many choices to take.Be a human being we are lucky to have the right to eat what we want or like.

2007年3月28日 星期三


I like baking.Actually I like to cook exotic food.I like watch TV programs about food.I could make some exotic food now.Everytime I treat my friends what I cook.They are happy and enjoy.They always said that you can run a restaurant.At that time my older sister will tell me that don't think it too much and serious.Cooking for friends is different from cooking for customers. It's about money??? You pay money for something then you are the boss and having the right to criticize somebody.That's prejudice!! You could give some advices or just never go to that place if you are not really satisfied with it.
Next time I will take some photes . You can tell me whether I can run a restaurant or not.

2007年3月26日 星期一


There are two dogs in my family. One is 小黑 (black) and another is 豆豆 .Mother of black is a deaf .She and 豆豆 were abandoned.豆豆 is black with yellow spots hair.Unfortunately she has four white paws.She was abandoned in Taishoung.Why ????The white paws will cause the bad things !!!????That's a superstition. You let slip a dog leave her mother and you do'nt take care of her,too.This will cause unluck to you.Do'nt blamed on a dog.It's not her fault.

2007年3月23日 星期五


今年一月投保 填了一大堆資料 才 知道有一大堆疾病名稱是這輩子從來沒聽過的(貓哭症候群,貓眼症候群)啥!!!!什麼東東 這兩個不一樣 (先天性無肛症.........)以後再也不要賭氣說別人生孩子沒屁眼 有些病可能是遺傳的 看完資料的當下 真是有感而發 感謝我的爸媽 讓我們兄弟姊妹有個健康的基因 至少目前為止我仍健康 當然也感謝老天爺 健康帶來的幸福 是無法替換的
祝大家都健康 誠心誠意

2007年3月21日 星期三


People say the older you are the more difficult you make friends. It's trueth.Maybe I am critical and greedy. You think you are humble to friends.But they always think you should be.What's friends for? Do I still believed it?

2007年3月20日 星期二


Ha! Today is a warm day. Talking about the weather will never be wrong beginning of this article.When you getting old you seems have a lot of things to do.You think it everyday.Then still haven't done it before you got sleep.Oh!!I need the power and engery. Of course making money will be the top thing I must to do.