2007年4月25日 星期三

bad morning

Today is........ Should i say it was a bad morning?This early morning there is a house in my village was on fire.Nobody was hurt.The fire alarm is so loud and closed in the silence night.It made us uncomfortable.I felt sorry it was happen on the neighborhood of my home. Then
I turned on the notebook, read the blog of GinaRobbo, knew her lovely dog Penny had been put to sleep 'cause of bone cancer.I was sorry to hear this . It remind of the pain losing our pets.
I should not get up early!

2007年4月20日 星期五

life plan

Dear all, pls open your heart and read through this article; then, think.... what is your life now... what is your life plan... Enjoying ourselves while living is my life plan, how about yours? Josie
My friend mailed a article to me and attached these words.Although we work everyday for money,we still believed something in our mind is more important than money.Most of people are not happy in my country in a questionnaire.So .... Jossie
Could we say living and health and happiness are our life plans?Are we greedy?
By the way congratulation for you moved in a b.b. house.(big and beautiful)
Wa!!!!!!!! I should say living and health and happiness in a b.b. house are my life plans.

2007年4月14日 星期六


老爸那天下午 講了一個他拾柒捌歲的事 我們從沒聽過 卻讓我們姊妹們印像深刻
一日的午後他閒來無事 悶的慌 去逛市集 看到賣襪子的攤販 停下腳步 摸摸襪子 說沒錢 就準備離去 老闆卻在後面悻悻的說 嘿 二爺 有錢吧! 這時 年輕氣盛的老爸聽到 回過頭說 你說什麼 ?二爺就是有錢 話一說完 馬上開打 最後兩人都進了警察局
老爸邊說邊比手畫腳 口沫橫飛 實在精采
於是呼 我的問題來了 老闆怎麼知道 你排行老二 叫你二爺
他說 那時尊稱別人 都叫二爺 噢 我了 就像現在 我們偶兒會尊稱別人 董ㄟ
年少的老爸 也會找碴 像個老痞子 現在的老爸 老好先生 像個小孩子
江湖跑老 膽子跑小

2007年4月8日 星期日

Murphy's Law

I was reading GinaRobbo: Why oh Why? It's remind me to read the Murphy's Law again. There are two reasons I like this Law.
1. Maybe it sounds silly I only like the pronounce of this word and the Chinese words of Murphy.
2. It seems solves many prombles about life.You can used the Murphy's Law to take yourself easier.Unlucky moments and unsolved prombles are not only in your life but also in everyone's life.
So I have the same question with GinaRobbo.Why haven't I won the lottery yet?
And my mother's questions is when my daughter can meet her Mrs Right?As we know here's coming a bus will never be the bus we wait for.

2007年4月2日 星期一

poor girl,not poor English

My sister's friend told us the girl she hired was abused by the foreigner customer in her store.Just the reason she only asked his girlfriend what they want to order instead of asking of him.Maybe she is shy or maybe her poor English.I couldn't understand why he is so rude to the girl he even didn't know her.And did he know where he is?
Many years ago I knew two nice foreigners at my workplace. They only can stayed one night in Taiwan.I invited them to have a nice dinner and a sightseeing of my city. After that we lost connection.I definitely know they have a good impression of my country and people.
Did that foreigner realize what his behavior represent?