2007年5月30日 星期三

dad's dream part2

Two weeks ago my dad called his nephews for his dream.The house his old mother( he always called her mother like this) lived was broken.There were many chinks in the wall and the water dripped down from a leak in the roof.According to our social conventions the house for the dead person means the grave. My cousin said they just had gone to the graveyard to commemorated their grandma last month.The grave was fine, he said.But my dad insisted that they should go there again.
In China and here the Fifth of April(qing ming festival) we go to the graveyard of our dead relatives or closed friends with food; flowers ;paper money(paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead) and a sickle for removing weeds.
A few days later they said when they had got there first they met a old woman and had a chat.
Why are you here at this time? The woman said.
My cousins told her the reason and bla bla.....
While they had seen the grave they really had a shock.
Somebody was growing the vegetables around the grave.They told to dad on the phone.
What? ! Growing the vegetables around the grave ! How dare the somebody is!!!
Somebody?? We doubt that woman did it.Didn't she see the gravestone?
She digged many ditches and watered the vegetables.No wounder these strange things was happened.
But i am curious that there is a great hand behind back controlling this although grandma didn't recognized dad.Perhaps grandma trusted dad and knew dad will solve the problem well.

Well well well! I know it's a dream and don't be so serious.

2007年5月17日 星期四

dad's dream

As my friends knew that my dad was from Mainland China when he was out of his teens.At that age everyone who was from China had their own stories.My dad is not an exception.

At the beginning the government only permitted they could mail letters to their family of China.The address of the first letter was wrong.Unfortunately my grandmother had passed away before the second letter was arrived.She had not known any message of her son no matter live or dead.According to the dad's older brother said my grandma often whispered my dad's name before died on her bed at her ninety-five.

A week ago dad told us he had dreamed of his mother.In the dream he leaned against the wall. There was a sound behind him and he knew it's her mother's voice who was talking to someone about her house was needed to repaired.He turned around to see her mother.At this time he is pouting with a disappointed look and saying his mother had not recognized him at all.
Maybe you took a mistake she was not your mother.You haven't seen her for more forty years.I tried to comfort him.
It's the young look of her mother in the dream, he said.It's the only one image of his mother he has.
OMG! No wounder his mother could not recognized him. He is eighty-two years old now. He wasn't the young man his mother remembered.
They couldn't meet each other even in the dream.
How come?

2007年5月13日 星期日


最近眷村大家見面的招呼語 不是吃飽沒 而是打聽你門家是拿補助款還是拿房子 而外來的人 則是會問妳們什麼時候搬 搬到那兒 或是前面的眷村搬離 外面建商進來新蓋的上千萬大房子 有沒有訂一間 順便探探虛實 八卦 廣播 是眷村特色之一 也是我最不習慣地方 從小 就經常聽說 眷村會搬離 拆遷 改建 有些人家想整修房子 也不敢動工 一直到現在 終於塵埃落定 不過 前面巷頭有一戶人家 豪氣干雲 可真讓我佩服 兩年前 她們家大興土木蓋了一間在鄰里間算是別墅級的房子要讓他父親住的舒適 左右鄰居和里長都勸她別蓋了 你想知道這位小姐怎麼回答嗎 ? 她說 就算
軍方下令 明天要拆
正是所謂 話不再多 有力道才夠狠