2007年6月29日 星期五

flapping the wings

I found there is a phenomenon in Taiwan.It seemed an only choice most of people raised the dog in their family in the earlier times.Even now i took my dog to the vet. Most of patients are the "dogs".Maybe the cat is more healthy than the dog.My dad have raised several birds when he was retired.It's so queer the older men like to raised the birds for cultivating their minds.Birds should fly in the sky instead of locking in the birdcage.I can't change his mind and thoughts just looks like he can't understand the reason we do love our dogs so much.Anyway the birds have always got the good attention. He like to watch the birds flapping their wings for taking the bath or singing under the trees.Once he was still anxious about his birds even he was uncomfortable and went to emergency room.

dad: Don't forget to feed the birds!!

nurse:Sir, you should take care of yourself more. Forgetting your pets----birds, today!!

2007年6月28日 星期四

dian deng pao

I like learning English from the alien teacher. Not only is the difference of the language but also the culture of the language etc. If my English tutor is interesting in the Mandarin i also will tell him how to pronounce.There is so much fun of learning a language.I still remembered once we were talking about the word of date.

me: How do you say the attendant person when you are dating with your girlfriend?

Andy: The fifth wheel . You knew that the unnecessary wheel! How do you say in Chinese?

me: a light bulb.(dian deng pao)


me:You absolutely need the dark when you are dating, right?

2007年6月27日 星期三


從小住的眷村 終於快要搬遷了 到時變成高樓大廈林立的地方 一定會認不出來它之前的樣子 想到這兒 還真捨不得呢
有人原本在外面有房子可住 所以選擇拿補助款走人 因此第一階段已經有幾家在清理房子 丟出 一大堆破舊東西 有時看到一些路邊垃圾 還真讓人啼笑皆非
沿著公園旁小徑回家 不知什麼時候會變不可能???只要未來要遷入的軍眷國宅開始要動工興建 我想不出三年
我就得要把每天晚上我和我的犬妹在院子看"星星" "月亮""黑色天空"跟鄰居撿來的
木頭長板椅凳 -------丟出去了

現在我看到路邊家俱垃圾 想到 它也曾經陪著某個老兵及子女看過多少月圓 月缺!!!

2007年6月22日 星期五

little monster

I really dislike the summer time.But I found a benefit of summer.It's more comfortable for having the problems of heart diseases .I don't understand it's right for everyone at least for my dad is.We often go to the emergency room at midnight in the winter about three years ago.That was a nervous and horrible time.Then the doctor set a pacemaker in his subcutaneous tissue to regulate his heartbeat.Now he is much better in the winter.

But there is another trouble i must complain. In the summer there are many insect pests which i dislike a lot.Taiwan is an island of the subtropical climate. There are many kinds of terrible insect pests haunt before or after the monsoon rain. I dread to see the cockroaches especially the flying ones.They said someone who is afraid of you in your present , he must hate you behind your back.So be honest i hate the dirty little monster.On the other hand i must respect these enemies.After all i seem to have read some reports said they was found from the Jurassic period.True or fault ???

2007年6月13日 星期三

cool girl

Have you met a person whose birthday is the same day with you? Did you feel excited or nothing special?

I had a little embarrassed experience many years ago. I met a girl who was sitting by me in the baking class.She put the list which had her base information on the up corner. She didn't care anybody will see the list.Then I saw her birthday is the same day with me. I really excited about this.Actually I don't like to talk to strangers even they talk to me first. I don't have zeal for the stranger.However I tried to express that i am so happy to met a person we have the same birthday.

The girl was so cool. She only had a superficial smile and a little nod.Giving me a look of "so what".
I was hurt and embarrassed.

The other day my friend laugh at me after i talked to her.
She said : The girl just looks like you.Now you know your natural character!!!!

Recently there are two bad news.One is a man murdered his friend who had the same birthday with him because of the money. Another is a popular singer without driving licence hit a nurse who had the same birthday with her because of the drunk-driving.
Two people who have the same birthday meet at somewhere by the lot , fate or a special reason??!! Comparing with these news my experience is not a big deal but i still feel embarrassed now.

2007年6月8日 星期五

my friends

I don't have many friends.Some of them are wise , humorous and successful in many ways and are older than me. Ooh! It's important to emphasize that they have fast reaction capacity and eloquence.Last year my friend Julie treated us to go out for a dinner.We celebrated her son Si Xian to be a high school student but Anna insisted to pay the bill.

Julie:Will these kids drive us to go to the restaurant for a luxurious super when we are old?

Anna(with a serious attitude):Si Xian, you only treat me a bowl of rice porridge when aunt will be old in the future.

At that moment I was deeply touched by this dialogue.

We always say that parents will do anything for their kids without asking the rewards.I know Anna isn't Si Xian's mother but we love the boy and hope he will be better.Julie often consult Anna about how to educate the children.She always learn how to be a good mother.

After five seconds Anna:The flavor of A-B-A-L-O-N-E. I couldn't bear to have a laugh after she spoke slowly the two words .

That's my friend Anna and please forget that impressive moment previously.

2007年6月6日 星期三


你一定聽說過這一句順口溜 不管天上飛的 地上爬的 沒有什麼東西是廣東人不敢吃的 但還有一句 關於我老爹家鄉的 你可能沒聽過 在說之前 先講一段我們姐妹們與老爹的對話

女兒們: 爸 你剛剛在修東西 坐下吃飯前 有沒有先洗手?

老爹(抿一抿他的招牌厚唇 露出前排小暴牙得意的微笑)說 :有有..... 摸了屁股 嗦了指頭 乾淨的很

女兒們:對看一眼 嘴巴微動 想說 xxxxx 不敢 想.......... 沒做

老爹(飯照吃 吃的更愉快 )
